From April, 2022


1/3 disko: waxing moonbastard bloodcedingraven landsat the snow coveredwound. jumping up & downon the frozen edges, to break it up. pecks it back openuntil its dark contourcouplewithblood & intestines:a homecomingfeastwhereas –wide open & perpetuity fervourlavishyour fledged heart


owl: western screech owl is back in nest box, spent the day sunning itself at entrance, watching: spotted towhees, ruby crowned kinglet, woodhouse’s jays, finches, sparrows, robins, starlings, northern flicker, warbler and a red hawk making a brief appearance


unniutiinnarneqtunniutiinnarneqtunniusimasoqtunu t ryg (-gen), bagside (-n)(animal behaviour/sexual) devotion from latin devot- ‘consecrated (indviet)’, from the verb devovere, from de- ‘formally’ + vovere ‘to vow’


what i think is irrelevant.–yes i can write for the landis that love or perpetuating dominion? we drove 130km/h on the glacierit was like flying through paradise